Data and statistics

Here we offer you regularly updated data and statistics on various topics concerning the Federal Gazette. You can find the current status of the data and statistics in the respective documents, which are available to you here for download. In the current reports on the homepage of the Federal Gazette, reference is made to new versions of the documents.

Beware of unfair providers

The Federal Gazette publishing house warns of offers and notifications regarding register entries for companies in the company register and in association with publications in the Federal Gazette.

It is becoming increasingly common for companies and institutions to receive ‘offers’ or ‘notifications’ on the basis of notices regarding their company or institution that have previously been published in the Federal Gazette. The offers are sometimes form the ‘entry’ of data in a register or the ‘retrieval’ of ‘entered’ data. Payment of a fee or ‘entry fee’ is demanded for inclusion in this register and for the right to retrieve the data.

The Federal Gazette publishing house is not able to prevent the production of these offers and notifications. We recommend that you contact the complaints department of the Centre for the Prevention of unfair Competition if you receive this kind of letter.

Please note that the mere inclusion in this kind of register without the permission of the concerned party and/or without acceptance of the ‘offer’ does not result in any payment or fee claim. Refusal of the offer has not statutory effect on material that has already been published in the Federal Gazette.

We have compiled a list of the providers of these ‘services’ that are known to us at this time.

PDF file (PDF 786.9 kB)
CSV file (PDF 26.8 kB)


We can help you

Our service number: 0 800 – 1 23 43 39Mon – Fri, 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, free of charge from a German landline

From outside Germany:+49 221 – 9 76 68-0fees apply

In case of problems valuable information can be found in the area of Questions & Answers.