Notes about the reference citation

Notes about the reference citation

The structure of the reference citations in the Official Section of the Federal Gazette changed on 1 April 2012. Please take note of the classifications depicted in the following when searching in the Federal Gazette for publications in the Official Section.

Publications in the Official Section that were made starting 1 April 2012

Here, the reference citation is structured as follows:

  1. 1.) Designation “BAnz AT”

  2. 2.) Date of publication (formula DD.MM.YYYY, e.g. “03.04.2012”)

  3. 3.) Heading under which publication was made. The following abbreviations are used:

    1. V = promulgations
    2. B = announcements
    3. A = tenders
    4. S = miscellaneous
    5. H = notices
  4. 4.) Publication number (“1”, “2”, “3” etc.)

Example of a complete reference citation under this classification: “BAnz AT 03.04.2012 V1”.

Publications in the Official Section that were made before 1 April 2012

Here, the reference citation is structured as follows:

  1. 1.) Designation “eBAnz AT”

  2. 2.) Issue number (e.g. “83”)

  3. 3.) Year of publication (e.g. “2011”)

  4. 4.) Heading under which publication was made. The following abbreviations are used:

    1. V = promulgations
    2. B = announcements
  5. 5.) Publication number (“1”, “2”, “3” etc.)

Example of a complete reference citation under this classification: “eBAnz AT83 2011 V1”.